Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Science Vocabulary Review Plant and Animal Classification


1. The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to make their food is called _____________.

a) carbon dioxide    b) reproduce                        c) photosynthesis


2. A colorless gas formed during respiration that absorbed from the air by plants is called ___________.

a) carbon dioxide    b) reproduce                        c) photosynthesis


3. To make more things of the same kind is to ____________.

a) carbon dioxide    b) reproduce                        c) photosynthesis


4. It is a gas that all living things breathe. Without it people, plants and animals would die. It is called ______________.

a) oxygen                  b) nutrients                c) pollinate


5. The transfer of pollen from one place to another is to _______________.

a) oxygen                  b) nutrients                c) pollinate


6. ______________ provide energy in food, to help living things.

a) oxygen                  b) nutrients                c) pollinate

7. The process where seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow is called __________________.

a) life cycles             b) germinate                        c) trait


8) A characteristic that a person, animal or plant has that makes them special is known as ______________.

a) life cycles             b) germinate                        c) trait


9. The process in which you are born, you grow and then you die is called _______________.

a) life cycles             b) germinate                        c) trait


10. A pattern of behavior that is characteristic of living things and is often a response to specific environmental problem is called _____________.

a) instinct                   b) inherit                    c) larva


11. An insect in its early stage of life that looks like a worm is called a __________.

a) instinct                   b) inherit                    c) larva


12. When characteristics pass from parents to offspring (kids).
a) instinct                   b) inherit                    c) larva

13. Animals without a backbone are called __________________.

a) vertebrates          b) invertebrates       c) pupa


14. Animals that have a backbone are called _______________.

a) vertebrates          b) invertebrates       c) pupa


15. A stage between a larva and an adult butterfly. It is also called cocoon.

a) vertebrates          b) invertebrates       c) pupa


16. A system of interaction between organisms and their environment is known as ______________.

a) habitat                  b) population            c) community


17. The place that an animal calls its home, where it lives is called a _____________,

a) habitat b) population c) community


18. A group of individuals of the same species living in the same area is known as a _____________.

a) habitat b) population c) community
19. A group of organisms or populations living and interacting with one another in a particular environment is known as a ….
a) food chain           b) community           c) adaptation
20. When a living thing needs to change in order to stay alive. This is called a(n)  ___________________.
a) food chain           b) community           c) adaptation
21. The transfer of food energy from one organism to another in an ecological community is called a ______________.
a) food chain           b) community           c) adaptation
22. An animal that eats other animals is called a _____________.
a) consumer             b) decomposer        c) producer
23. An animal or living thing that eats wastes or other dead animals is called a ________________.
a) consumer             b) decomposer        c) producer
24. A living thing that makes its own food is called a __________.
a) consumer             b) decomposer        c) producer
1. What things do plants need to grow?
2. What process do plants go through to make food? _____________________
3. What kind of plant grows cones?    a) flowering     b) conifer
3. Circle the flowering plants. Underline the conifer plants.
o    pine trees
o    pumpkin
o    rose bushes
o    spruces
4. A ______________ is the main root of a plant and grows downward from the stem.  They have lateral (side) roots.
a) fibrous root  b) taproot
5. A _______________ is a root with fine or thin branches of the same size.
a) fibrous root  b) taproot
6. Circle the taproots. Underline the fibrous roots.
o    ferns
o    dandelions
o    carrots
o    grasses
7. Circle four of the following plants that grow underground.
a) apples         b) bananas     c) potatoes      d) coconuts     e) peanuts                  
f) carrots          g) cones          h) pineapples              i) grass

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